7 Simple Tricks to Even Out Tan Lines
Ok, we admit, there are much more serious problems than tan lines happening in the world today, but how annoying are those things!? Anyone who has, at least once, forgotten to wear proper sunscreen during a long day out in the sun, knows how easily and quickly tan lines can develop.
But fear not, evening out your tan lines is doable with a little guidance and some effective tricks. Plus, using the right products can speed up the process and enhance your skin's health.
These unwanted streaks and stripes usually form on your arms, face and your neck, but also appear on skin areas that your swim suit covers, and the worst thing – they are able to stick around for weeks, even months after they first start to “adorn” your skin.
Evening them out usually takes time and a lot of patience, but it IS possible. You just need a nudge in the right direction and several neat tricks, and your skin’s even tone will be fully restored.
Here are 7 simple, DIY tips on how to even out tan lines very quickly and effectively.
Exfoliate and Scrub
You can simply scrub your skin and carefully exfoliate the parts where the tan lines are most visible. This way you will also speed up the process of lightening dark areas of your skin. The equation is rather simple – the more you scrub, the faster the fading process. Make sure you use moisturizer for your skin as well. Most quality moisturizers also provide your skin with precious vitamin E and other essential natural extracts. Our exfoliating mitts are enriched with nutrients, including Vitamin E, helping you achieve an even skin tone quicker.
Use Lemon Juice and Honey Mixture
Lemon juice is an amazingly effective home-made solution that can help you make tan lines less conspicuous. To make this cool remedy, simply take honey and lemon juice and mix them together. Apply on the tanned areas and keep it on for about 20-30 minutes, then remove it and wash your skin. This is a nice, easy-to-make and effective solution that can help you with your tan lines in just a couple of days. Plus, honey is a great skin moisturizer, as well. A true win-win situation, indeed.
Remember to moisturize after using this acidic solution—our moisturizers are perfect for nourishing your treated skin.
IMPORTANT NOTE: if you have sunburns, don’t use this method!
Use Quality Aloe Vera Gel
Most quality aloe vera gels are packed with helpful antioxidants and potent enzymes that are great for your skin’s overall health, while are also an effective way to tone down tan lines and ward off sun burns.
Coconut Oil
Basically all types of natural oils (coconut, olive, almond) are extremely healthy for your skin, and are also rather potent tan line remedies. Simply take coconut oil (you can also make a mix of several natural oils in one solution), apply it on tanned areas, and leave it overnight. In the morning simply wash it away. Repeat the process several times, and your tan lines should be barely visible.
Quality Sunless Tanner
Simply apply good sunless tanning solution to lighter areas of your skin and repeat the procedure until your tans are even. Make sure you shower and dry yourself completely before every sunless tanning session.
There are also tanners that come in various shades, so you can get the one that is similar to your darker skin tone, so you know they will match.
Baking Soda
Here’s one true DIY tip on how to even out tan lines with basic household items. Yes, baking soda is highly effective when it comes to toning down your tan. Put some baking soda in a glass of water and stir until you make a paste-like mixture. Apply the paste on tanned areas of your skin and remove after 15 minutes.
After just a couple of days, your tan lines should be barely visible.
Smart Use of Makeup
First, make sure you get a proper foundation that will help you match the shade of your skin more easily; then use quality makeup and a good brush. With all these ingredients, you will be able to make those annoying tan lines disappear in no time.
Let us know which method you used and how it worked out for you! For more useful and informative articles like this one, and some great deals on sunless tanning equipment and solutions, visit Artesian Tan.
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damn it helps