6 Spray Tanning Facts You Need To Know

6 Spray Tanning Facts You Need To Know

It seems everyone arrives to the red carpet or to summer, dressed perfectly in the sun’s rays. Skin sparkles from across the room and glows far surpass the beauty of any arched brow or red stained lip.

Sunless tanning can be dangerous; the media constantly reminds us. We know, so we spray tan. Harmless. But when it's our turn for the perfect glow floating across the room, we should find out more than that we look good. What's going on our skin, anyway? There's all this spray tan information out there that gets overlooked in favor of dashing, bronzed photos.

Well, no more of that. We're here to arm you with the info you need to look like an angel post-tan and to know exactly what you’re putting on your skin every time you sunless tan.

These are spray tan facts, to be jotted down and never forgotten:

  • Wearing sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF increases your skin protection during the tan
  • Lowering exposure to the sun in later years lowers the risk of encountering cancer
  • Green and blue eyes are more sensitive to UV rays and require more protection- be selective with your sunnies
  • Vitamin D is essential to the body. In short, controlled doses, the sun nourishes the body
  • A small time in the sun lowers blood pressure
  • Sunscreen products are evolving so safely; some are drinkable- doesn't sound too tasty, but our eyes are looking out for this evolution becoming a trend

Your best tanning solution will always be superior spray tanning equipment. Invest in products that you can rely on, not ones for which you need to buy corrector creams or apply second coats too soon. For the best products, check out our selection online at Artesian Tan. 

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