Cost of Starting an Airbrush Tanning Business

Cost of Starting an Airbrush Tanning Business

Airbrush tanning is a very popular method for those who want to achieve a natural bronzed look without overexposure to sun or indoor tanning. Over the past few years, this method has become a favorite treatment for those with an active and healthy lifestyle. So, this is a perfect time to start your own airbrush tanning business!

Tanning Salon Start-Up Costs

First things first, when it comes to the location, choose the best and the most affordable place for your salon. Arrange the interior of each room so that the customers feel comfortable. For interior arrangement, the average cost range is $500 – $3,000 per room, depending on the size of your salon.

Besides the location, interior and exterior design, starting up your own tanning salon also requires educated staff and quality equipment, as well as a marketing strategy. Start-up costs can vary, and if you want to have a modern and profitable business, be ready to invest quite the sum of money in supplies, equipment, marketing, employees and their training.

Speaking of the training, make plans about getting certificates and licenses needed for the job in advance. There are different training programs for airbrush tanning, and in some states, you must be a licensed esthetician to offer spray tanning in your salon. Inform yourself about what is required in your state.

During the spray/airbrush tanning training, both you and your employees will improve your skill set and learn more about skin types, skin preparation, possible allergies, and spray tan supplies. Buy any Norvell machine from and you will get a free gift as well as a free Norvell Training opportunity.

Investing in Equipment and Solutions

Beside spray tan machines, the most important things in a modern tanning salon are applicators, filtration systems, and tan solutions of choice. Spray tan extractor fans extract excess tanning solution particles and purify the air. Prices can range from $299 to $2000, depending on the items in the starter kits.

Choosing the right color solution for your customers is extremely important. Your salon should offer different shade variation of DHA, not only "light," "medium," or "dark" shade so that your clients can get a perfectly natural tan. Many companies will let you try out their samples before purchase. A liter of solution costs about $50, and just to get a general idea, you will need about 2 to 3 oz per customer.

How Much Does a Spray Tan Machine Cost

There are different spray tanning kits and supplies for mobile businesses and spray tanning salons. You need to supply your tanning salon with quality equipment to provide safe and great service.

New airbrush tanning machines make tanning of hard-to-reach places a total breeze. Modern technology of the airbrush tanning provides a perfect spray tan because it covers the skin with a fine mist that delivers an even spray tan without any overspray. This keeps the solution from being wasted. The spray tan machine prices start at $299.

Note: It is a good idea to choose a lightweight and portable tan machine for better and easier use because it will allow you to work even outside of the salon.

How Much Does an Airbrush Cost?

Airbrush tanning is performed by a professional and it costs between $35 - $80 for one treatment, depending on the salon location, technician’s skills, and parts of the body you want to treat. Many tanning salons have special offers for certain areas of the body.

How Much Do Spray Tans Cost?

An average price of a spray tanning session is around $20 - $60. Price can vary depending on the salon location and the quality of the machine; quality tanning machines will give a more natural-looking bronzed tan and provide better coverage, and thus, the price will be higher.

Spray tanning is a great opportunity for increasing profit. As an independent professional, you can manage your work time and income. If you want to properly develop your business and have happy and satisfied customers, ready to put in a good word for your business, keep an eye on the new trends and modern, innovative products.

Remember: investing in high-quality equipment and solutions is as important as having/developing a marketing strategy for your business. For about $50 per month, you can create a website that will allow you to share special offers and reach a wider audience.

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Cost of leg spray tan session

Geraldine Luevano

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