How to Spray tan While Breastfeeding?
This is a topic that might have caused concern among salon owners or sunless tanaholic moms. Let’s face it after the tanning bug bites you; it’s hard to kick the habit (which is by no means a problem), even when getting bronzed gets a little more difficult, especially in the bust area thanks to your love and joy, who happens to be a breastfed baby.
Give up for a little while or spray tan while breastfeeding? This is a tough question, but luckily, Artesian Tan has the answer!
Read on to learn how to spray tan while breastfeeding.
Honestly, even if we all love spray tanning, seeing the solution rub off on our baby’s face during breastfeeding is something we don’t want to experience. Some self-proclaimed experts behind the keyboard would advise you right off the bat to quit sunless tanning completely until your child moves on to consuming solid food.
Luckily, you don’t have to resort to tan-abstinence, however, precautions must be taken when applying your sunless tan, especially when you’re near your baby. You need to ensure that your body is dry or have been rinsed off before having skin-to-skin contact. Basically, that’s all to it.
While, there’s nothing wrong with spray tanning while breastfeeding, making sure that the solution has worked its way through the skin is still essential. One of the main risks of spray tanning when breastfeeding is the potential danger of your baby ingesting the solution. Your baby can also “catch a tan” when coming into contact with the product.
At the moment, there is no known evidence to suggest that ingesting the solution can cause harm. However, none of us would want experiment with that.
Professionals state that DHA (the main acting component in sunless products) has been approved as safe for external use, however, it hasn’t been approved for inhalation or application directly on the eyes and mouth. Again, this doesn’t mean that it’s not safe, but it does mean that it hasn’t been tested as rigorously as external use.
So, how do you spray tan while breastfeeding?
First of all, tell your beauty therapist that you’re breastfeeding. If you happen to be the salon owner, don’t be afraid to ask your clients before their session.
Some rules you will want to apply:
- Use “nipple tape” over your nipples or place a breast-pad over the area so it does not get tanned
- Use barrier cream
- Better yet, avoid the breast area completely when you get sprayed. To be safe, keep your bikini top on.
- Make sure that you rinse off before breastfeeding
- If you express milk to bottle feed, consider this during the development time of your tan.
- Be sure to wash your breasts and surrounding area with a gentle body wash and dry well even if you avoided the area and followed all of these tips.
The takeaway
As you can see, breastfeeding and spray tanning can totally go together with a few precautions and with a little extra care. Don’t be afraid to schedule your next spray tan session and as a salon owner, don’t get troubled when one of your clients tells you that she’s breastfeeding. For more valuable sunless info, give our remaining blogs a read too. You won’t be disappointed!