Spray Tanning Before a Holiday – Busting the Myth Once and for All!
Spray tanning before a holiday?! Are you completely nuts?! - people might ask you when you tell them about your plan to get a nice glow going before you go on a vacation to visit far-away places. As you might have already heard, a lot of people don’t think that’s a good idea. A lot of them have these wild theories that the tan will go streaky once you enter the pool, that you will come back paler than you’ve left, or you won’t get darker naturally.
We at Artesian Tan are here to bust all those pre-holiday tanning myths once and for all! We are here to tell you, that with the best spray tan solutions and post spray tan care, your Holiday will be a TanTastic experience you will never forget!
Contrary to copious warnings and horror stories, sunless tanning solutions don't go streaky, and you definitely won't feel pale when you step out onto the beach for the first time.
So, what should you do to avoid any inconveniences when it comes to getting a spray tan before going on a holiday?
As you can see, getting a nice sunless tan before a vacation is not a crime against humanity, but could even be a great idea! Just make sure you follow the instructions given in the paragraphs above and to make sure you always use sunscreen when being outside. Don't give into others' superstitions, get that glowing sunless tan going on and enjoy your vacation! If you have any questions or you’re looking solutions that best fit your needs, take a look at our other blogs and the wide variety of products we have to offer!