How to Get the Most out of Your Tanning Session
Having a magical glow going on is what we all long for. There is just something eye-catching and confidence-boosting when your tan is on spot. This is what spray tanning is all about. It lets you enjoy all the positive sides of getting tanned while providing a much safer alternative to traditional tanning methods. Perfection is hidden in the details. In order to achieve that perfect glow, there are a few things you have to be mindful of and take into consideration before applying your tan.
Read on for some of the best pre spray tanning steps you and your clients should take for the perfect tan.
Before a Spray Tan
Spray tan prep is simple. It all boils down to using the best pre and post products. Luckily, Artesian Tan has those products in stock and available to order online! If you want to get proper exfoliation before applying your tan, or you want your skin's pH levels balanced, we've got you covered.
In order to get the best results possible, make sure that your skin's pH level is balanced. You can achieve that with several pH balancer products. Proper exfoliation before applying your tan is essential for a successful and lasting spray tan. Making sure that all waxing or shaving is done prior to your appointment is also a must. Moisturizing the evening before your session is also advisable. Maybe use more moisturizer than you normally would and concentrate on the areas where the skin may be noticeably dryer (areas like shins, elbows, knees, and so on).
Another important thing to remember is not to use any body products – on the day of the session – prior to the appointment. This means, no makeup, deodorant, perfume, or even moisturizer. We'd also advise not showering 5 hours before the spray tan. Your morning shower, however, should only be with water and a VERY LIGHT exfoliation – just a quick and light run over the body to get rid of any leftover product that may still be lurking on the skin surface. This should be done outside of the 5 hours mentioned before.
After a Spray Tan
In order to get the most out of your newly applied tan, you'll need aftercare. Don't apply any products to the skin for at least 24 hours after your spray tan. Using them before the tan has fully developed can change the outcome of your session, and the result won't be as good as it could be.
Using the right body products is key to maintain your rich glow. Stay away from soaps with pH levels over 9 or 11, this means they can leave the skin dry, tight and vulnerable.
In conclusion
By applying these simple yet effective instructions, you’ll be able to get and maintain a perfectly even, gorgeous glowing tan. As you can see, they are not hard to follow, and a perfect tan is the reward. For more info on sunless tanning and tanning products, feel free to browse our sunless tanning products. Artesian Tan is here to help you with your sunless tanning needs!