Spray Tanning Tips with Norvell
When you look at it, spray tanning seems simple and easy. A few steps and boom: you’re sporting the just-off-the-beach look. It boosts your confidence, you feel and look sexier in an instant.
You pretty well know by now that the “spray-tan smell” and the orange color are things of the past and that the future of sunless tanning is a path paved with nothing else but high-quality products, user-friendly application methods, and satisfactory results.
Even though spray tanning is no rocket science, there are certain things you (either a salon owner or a spray tan enthusiast) need to keep on eye on in order to get the best results possible. We here at Artesian Tan are well aware of this fact and can’t stress it enough.
To sum the most important steps up, here are a few pro spray tan tips from our well-known partner, Norvell!
While the quality of your tan first and foremost depends on the solution you choose, the way you treat your skin before and after your sunless session also plays a huge role in the overall picture.
Tanning solutions deposit color agents into the top layers of the skin meaning that any bumps and imperfections that break up the evenness of your skin will show up after your session. Debris and dead skin cells can further complicate things – more often than not, they are the ones to blame for those hated patches and streaks.
However, with the proper before and after skincare all these problems can be easily avoided. Here’s how:
- Make sure to give your skin a thorough exfoliation a day before your session. This is the most important step in the whole process because it removes dead skin cells, dirt, and other debris that may cause discolorations later on. Exfoliate with Norvell’s gentle sunless exfoliator to renew your skin with ease & prepare it for its glowing glory.
- Use hydrating lotion all over your body after exfoliating to lock in moisture and to create a smoother surface for your future tan.
- Waxing and shaving can do a number on your skin so do these things at least a day in advance of your session to give your skin enough time to recover.
- Wear loose-fitting dark clothes to prevent smudging your freshly tanned skin.
- Don’t forget about your hairline. Wear a disposable hair net and make sure to apply a bit of moisturizer to your hairline and other areas where you want to avoid unnatural-looking tan lines.
- Get dressed after your skin completely dries.
- Do your best to avoid showering or excessive sweating for at least eight hours. After your first shower, pat your skin dry and apply some moisturizer.
- Try to use gradual tanning lotions on a regular basis in order to prolong your tan lifespan. These solutions are moisturizers with a hint of color, ideal for controlling your glow’s intensity. Norvell’s Prolong sunless extender will do the trick perfectly in this case, giving your fading tan a radiant color boost. Since your spray tan acts as a base, you can use gradual tanners to deepen your color if you’re not satisfied with the initial results of your session.
- Don’t forget about sunscreen. Most tanning solutions do not contain any SPF so adequate sun protection is still strongly advised even if you’re spray tanning regularly.
Now you know. With these easy-to-follow steps, you won’t have any problems or regrets regarding your tanning sessions. Your tan will be always glowing and spot on! For other useful tips, don’t be shy, read our other blog posts to broaden your tanning horizons.
Don’t forget, Artesian Tan is here to guide you on the path to sunless perfection.